Androgyny Image
Androgyny Image

Two beautiful cabinet cards in cases, possibly of the same woman, although the card at left if from the Young Studio of Kalamazoo, Michigan and the other, below, is from the Bronson Park Studio of Kalamazoo. The 1920's styling in these two images reflects a diluted flapper look which embraced an eclectic array of styles and accoutrements from throughout history. Along with its multicaceted nature, flapper style eschewed strict conformity with gender specific dress and grooming as seen in both of these images. The figure at left dons necktie with clip as well as buttondown with shoulderpads. The gathered fabric underneath the pads, however, adds a feminine touch to the top at left. The more distincly marcel wave hairdo in the image at bottom was more distinctly feminine than the short, side-parted look at left.

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Androgyny Image